About Niklas Pirnay

ABOUT ME Link to heading

If I were a first year in Hogwarts, the Sorting Hat would put me in Hufflepuff. I value loyalty and honesty and I rejoice whenever I see kindness. Among the things that give me energy and happiness are long runs in a summer sunset, conversations about the future of technology, and the empowering feeling when programming ๐Ÿ˜‰.
My professional academic journey started as a student researcher, supervised by Dr. Nils Wisiol and Prof. Jean-Pierre Seifert. After my masters, I stayed with Prof. Seifert to pursue my PhD. I'm interested in the fields of theoretical computer science, quantum computing, machine learning, and cryptography.
I wish the fruits of my work to be longlasting und benefitial to the world. The great thing about computer science is that one's work can be impactful on a broad spectrum.